A Husband’s View…
Wow..What an event in Croydon this Sunday just gone. There was a constant flow of customers with the best selection in Indian clothing, jewellery and accessories on offer.
As Jasmita’s (owner of Saree Walee) husband I always felt that Jasmita was destined to be her own boss. Things she would say and do always made me think this until one day she muttered some words about Sarees and India, all because we were planning to go to India.
Back in 2016 when we were planning to go to India and Jasmita had come out with this idea/concept of having her own Saree Collection to bring back to sell. Naturally as a husband my first reaction was, but why! Does this mean more shopping?! Do I have to sit here and do this too!?
Nothing was mentioned again until we got to India, on our last few days I had remembered her words and off we went out along with my Dad to search for a supplier. Before I knew it, I was heavily involved in selecting Sarees and bringing back a whole collection with us.
We got back Jasmita had the Sarees, the idea, the vision and the support to go with it, everything you would need to start something special and Saree Walee was born! I must also add, since Saree Walee has been about Jasmita’s Punjabi has really improved as she has to speak with her suppliers out there!
We started off doing small events at home and also in west London at the HQ of the newly created N & A Accessories at the time who also happens to be Jasmita’s sister Amrit!
Logistically at the start it was a nightmare, we had a small car in which I had to get everything in. Being ‘the man’ I always felt it was my duty to take the part of the loading and unloading – either that or I was subconsciously thinking about the damage to the car that could occur! We were still working out the best way of transporting goods to and from events and nothing seemed to ever work quite right. Fate on the other hand had different ideas. We ended up with a larger car and found a better way of getting to and from events constantly improving things along the way.
We started having a set routine of how we would approach an event and knew what we would do, learning from each event. As the events got busier our approach would change, or our stock would change with the trends we spotted and at the same time maintaining our unique product line.
There were times I would walk away, and think is this really worth it – but whenever Jasmita walked away deflated, I would always reassure her as I knew this was her dream. I would look at ways we could improve and then together move forward to the next event.
Collaborating with other businesses, I watched as Jasmita formed business relations and by doing so our events that we were a part of became bigger and busier.
What felt as busy at the time was anything but busy. Through hard work, planning, team work, determination and meeting some great fellow businesses I have come to just look at these successful women in awe. They have all found their ways into creating these fantastic businesses and brands, which now collaborate together to produce some spectacular shopping experiences. The chemistry between these ladies of the businesses works in such a way that the events created are busier each time and obviously more fun too!
This weekend just gone, I took a step back to just simply look around at the event. It was then that I was drawn back to where things have got to. This team, who as individuals and collaboratively have created something that is truly breath taking from out of nowhere. It was such a proud moment to stand back and watch the creation of the ‘Shop Til You Drop’ event flourish the way it is with the infamous Kiki Dee Boutique, N & A Accessories, Nishel Creations and Sefia London alongside Saree Walee. Every event is an experience not to be missed.
Creating such a show case can’t be easy, they take time, effort and planning. Time being the major factor as these are all working women who work day jobs just like everyone else and yet find time outside of these hours and family life to create such an amazing shopping experience, bringing you their businesses together to give you all the very best in quality, design and value.
It’s inspiring to see all of them working together to achieve their own individual goals as well as their goals for the ‘Shop Till You Drop’ experience.
It’s no easy task to run work life, family life as well as business life, and then pry yourself away from the family on event days, and yet there they are ready to showcase with smiles.
With all of the above happening the unity has in itself created a whole working family who are striving to help each other hit the top of their business goals. We set up together, try and ensure we eat together, or the others have eaten, laugh together! The laughs and banter that I have encountered along the way have been brilliant it almost doesn’t feel like I’m helping or working! This can include some impromptu protests for yet even more banter!
On many occasions I can be sat beside Jasmita and her phone is going off from their WhatsApp group, and I end up compelled to get involved with their banter and ideas.
Whether its logistics, event day jitters, last minute issues, or even support outside of business, these ladies have each other’s backs and support each other brilliantly. It is truly incredible to witness such unity, and this all sets the tone and vibe for the event and experience.
This to me is true female empowerment, joining up together as females along with the support of families and partners. With such a team you (as a husband) are automatically compelled to help out the others whether it’s lifting things out the way to getting shoes from a car! But never is there a sour feeling as again it just feels like helping family.

To my lovely Jasmita, it is always an absolute pleasure to assist and help you with Saree Walee, whether its events, logistics, marketing and picking items with you.
Your determination, vision and character has got you to where you are today, you have met and made some great family/friends on this journey, this is a credit to you and the businesses you work with. You are a true inspiration to watch – I see this through our daughter Simret.
I truly wish the very best for all of the ‘Dream Team’ and may the ‘Shop Til You Drop’ kite fly as high as possible.
God Bless
Gursimran Rana